David Schwartz regresa a Arrested Development

Escrito por , el 24 mayo 2013 | Publicado en Asignaciones

Póster Arrested DevelopmentSolo tres temporadas estuvo en antena esta serie de culto, Arrested Development (2003), a causa de su baja audiencia, pero los que hemos disfrutado de esta familia disfuncional estamos de enhorabuena ya que regresa a la pequeña y gran pantalla.

Y tanto para esta cuarta temporada como para su posterior película, el compositor de la serie David Schwartz volverá a escribir la música y las canciones como ya hiciera anteriormente. Sobre su trabajo en la serie David Schwartz ha dicho:

The music for the series has always been eclectic. From the signature Tahitian ukulele cues to the ultra mock-serious orchestra cues I always strive to do something unique with the music. Often it’s more about writing fun music … as opposed to funny music. And it’s so important to match the comedic timing and pace of every scene.”

Shwartz continua diciendo, “I really wanted the music to grow and hopefully expand on the first three seasons.  Mitch Hurwitz, the creator of Arrested Development, is brilliant, and inspiring.  He’s highly musical himself and is a cornucopia of ideas, musical and otherwise. Mitch, music editor Jason Tregoe Newman, and myself get together and discuss scenes and musical concepts. That said, I have a tremendous amount of creative freedom. This season, there has not been a temp track. For the most part, Mitch hears the score for the first time on the dub stage. This level of trust is unique and inspires me to work even harder.”

Así que nos queda esperar a la cuarta temporada de Arrested Development que estará disponible en streaming, en Netflix, a partir del 26 de mayo de 2013.